MIXOFF 2: Jacob Wren + Raphaëlle de Groot



Jacob Wren, interdisciplinary performer and writer, has always been interested in the idea of contemporary nomadism and the rebellion against pervasive sedentariness. Raphaëlle de Groot, a significant Montréal visual artist, is about to leave everything behind and settle in Brazil with her family in an attempt to radically rethink her lifestyle. On the night before her departure, they organize a garage sale during which she is able to let go of her belongings, to free herself before leaving towards new territories. A reflection on the concept of wandering and of territorial belonging.

The installation-performance was documented live in this blog: https://jacobwrenandraphaelledegroot.tumblr.com


This garage sale has many thematic resonances, as Raphaëlle de Groot packs her house in preparation for her departure to Brazil for an experiment in migration. While Raphaëlle (hopefully) enjoys her farewell with the visit of friends, relatives and professional relations, Jacob does its best to sell (at the best price possible) all the belongings that she cannot bring with her.

As part of the performing arts festival OFFTA, the MIXOFF events aim at productive and collaborative artistic “confrontations” between artists from different backgrounds.


Installation-performance by Jacob Wren and Raphaëlle de Groot. Writing of the blog by Jacob Wren and Claudine Hubert, translation by Hubert.

A MIXOFF coproduced with OFFTA (Montréal).


Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la mélancolie (2014)


Every Song I’ve Ever Written (2012)